Friday, May 10, 2013

And We're On To Prepress...

Hi, Hannes and Stephanie again. 

A lot has happened since last Friday as we interns live an action packed lifestyle.  In addition to getting the hang of the whole sales thing, we have also been participating in the marketing aspects of the company.

Every Tuesday, we have the opportunity to bounce ideas off one another in the marketing group.  Our marketing team is finally taking time to get some rest and relaxation after preparing and celebrating Missing Sock Memorial Day (and Hannes’ birthday), which just happened on May 9th!  Before we can relax too much, we are already planning the next holiday at AllpakTrojan – National Trail Mix Day in August!  Assisting us in this endeavor is Todd from prepress, who is especially talented in drawing, and has been making special cameo appearances at the meetings.

To continue our journey of staff and process introductions, our intention was to learn more about him and what he does down in Prepress, but alas, he was gone when we went down there. Instead, we found two of the Steve’s (apparently there are an abundant number of people named Steve in Prepress) and sat down to get to know what their part in the box making business is.

So let’s meet Steve Brown and Steve Huckins, aka Steve2!

The Steve's

What are your responsibilities here at AllpakTrojan?

We make sure the designs that come from the design department are accurately reflected on the project. That means we fix scoring errors and look closely for errors and inconsistencies before we give our OK. Or as they like to say it, finding Waldo for grown-ups!

What do you enjoy most about working in Prepress?

We like the creative side of things. We have to come up with creative solutions for every design challenge that comes our way.  Essentially, since every design is custom, we have to find individualized solutions for every project.

What do you like to do in your freetime?

Steve Brown loves rockhounding and camping. Don’t know what rockhounding is? Neither do we! Rockhounding is “the recreational study and hobby of collecting rocks and mineral specimens from their natural environment” – Wikipedia (don’t tell our professor’s we used that).

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