Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ugly Sweater Day – Episode 10

Good Cheer to All! 

We’ve chosen to celebrate the holidays here at AllpakTrojan with a tribute to ugly holiday sweaters everywhere.  Here Ye!  Here Ye!  Today has officially been dubbed Ugly Sweater Day!  Take a look at some real winners:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

AllpakTrojan or CIA? You Be the Judge – Episode 9

Like most companies these days, we have an IT Department.  Like most IT people, they take security pretty seriously.  Ours, however, takes security to a whole new level...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Giddy Up Cowboy! – Episode 8

The other day, the marketing team went to IKEA to get some supplies to refresh our tour lounges.  We really did need the supplies, but I secretly think we were going just for the cup o’ meatballs for $1.  You can’t beat their little café at the checkout area.  

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Irate Customers, We’ve Got You Covered – Episode 7

Luckily we don’t get a lot of customer complaints, but in business they are sometimes a fact of life.  Because we take them very seriously and to ensure they are handled appropriately, we decided to institute a more formal Customer Feedback & Satisfaction Process incorporated into our Vision ERP system.  Before rolling the whole process out and training everyone, I decided to "test" it out first on a few of our Customer Service Representatives.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pick Me! Pick Me! – Episode 6

Although AllpakTrojan has an in-house structural and graphic design center comprised of very talented people (you should take advantage of these services if you haven’t already), we have a ton of creative people working in various other departments too.  To tap into this font of imagination, we held our 1st Annual Employee Photo Contest recently.  We had a whopping 112 entries and all the employees got to vote on their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention choices. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Case of the Sandwich Biter – Episode 5

I consider myself to be a fairly generous person.  Heck, I served in the Peace Corps back in the day.  However, when it comes to food people need to back off.  It’s not that I don’t like to share, but I like to be asked first.  Anyway, I thought the grade school days of lunch box raiders (there’s always one digging in at recess) were over.  Unfortunately, I came in one recent morning and was shocked to discover how wrong I was.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bite Me Judges – It is Stochastic Screening! – Episode 3

So, part of my job here involves submitting some of our best work (proud to say we have a lot) into a variety of industry competitions.  A little healthy competition is good for everyone I always say (well I do now).  Recently, I entered one such illustrious show and heard back through the printing grapevine that one of our entries was submitted into the wrong category.  What say you?! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I love Punkins! – Episode 2

In the spirit of the season, I thought it was appropriate to move this post up in the schedule.

Dean, one of our industrious sales people, has a bit of a hard time saying the word pumpkin.  It tends to come out “punkin”.  Not sure where the “m” and “p” disappear to, but they definitely don’t appear in that word when Dean says it.  The best part is that Dean is the Sales Manager of our ACE facility located in Cheney, WA.  Why does this make a difference?  Because that facility makes all of our oversize tote bins, so each year in the Fall, Dean has to say the word pumpkin about a million times.  I tell you, it never gets old hearing him say it.   

After one of the sales meetings where this occurred several times, I decided to send an email to some of the guys for a chuckle.  The Google search gods smiled down on me and I found the picture below of a random baby with a pumpkin hat on (isn’t he adorable?).  I’ve also included a picture of Dean today…now, you tell me that’s not Dean as a baby!

To request a copy of our oversize tote bin catalog, please email

Next week's episode will return to our regularly scheduled program...Kiss Off Judges - It is Stochastic Screening!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Introductions if You Please - Episode 1

So, you think it’s just a box huh?  Never heard of Flexo, Folding Carton, Single-Face?  Well, I’m here to say that a lot goes into the making of that oftentimes forgotten outer shell that protects, carries and/or enhances your product.  The product gets all the glory, but I think it’s high time the box’s story is told…
AllpakTrojan, an award-winning printing and packaging company located a little south of Seattle is a quirky, fun and extremely knowledgeable company that provides high-end commercial print; creative packaging, including flexo, single-face and folding carton and point-of-purchase displays. We also offer pack and assembly and in-house graphic and structural design services. 

I would say that overall, we take printing and packaging pretty seriously and work extremely hard to support our customers.  The good thing, in terms of being an employee here, is that we don’t take ourselves too seriously.  In addition to writing about print techniques, innovative solutions and industry trends, I really want you to get a taste of the people who inhabit AllpakTrojan and lovingly (and maybe not so lovingly sometimes) make your packaging. 

So, stay tuned to As the Box Turns each week to get a glimpse of this crazy little piece of the packaging world. 

Next week's episode...Kiss Off Judges – It is Stochastic Screening!